Homemaking while Working a 9 to 5

Is it possible to be a homemaker and work a full-time job? This is what my life currently looks like, and I’m doing my best! My primary role in my life is that of a daughter of the Lord. I try to know, love, and serve God in everything that I do. He called meContinue reading “Homemaking while Working a 9 to 5”

How We’re Preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage

Later this month, Nathan and I will be in my home parish, surrounded by our friends and family, and united in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. We’ve been looking forward to getting married since we started dating, and now that we’re in the final days of our engagement, things are becoming more and more realContinue reading “How We’re Preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage”

A Radiant Love Story

I have found the one who my soul loves. Song of Songs 3:4 A Deep Desire of my HeartFor as long as I can remember, I wanted to get married. When I was little, I would play dress-up as a bride. As I grew up, I mused over the romantic ways that my future husbandContinue reading “A Radiant Love Story”

How Intentional Community is Preparing Me for My Vocation

A Radiant Announcement…If you follow me on Instagram, then you might have seen the “radiant announcement” that I posted a few days ago… Nathan and I are engaged! We knew early on in our relationship that we were both in it for the long haul. We very much dated with the intention of marrying eachContinue reading “How Intentional Community is Preparing Me for My Vocation”